Monday, December 7, 2009

An Overheard Moment

On Saturday night, as I was heading back into the living room where our friends were hanging out with my man J, I heard this conversation:

J's best friend (and current father of a 1-year old): Yeah, pregnancy can be pretty nervewracking.

J: You're telling me. If you had any idea the thoughts that go through my head every time I see [Babychaser's] name come up on the caller ID. . . .

I caught myself blinking back tears. J's awesome, and hilarious, and sarcastic, and I adore him. But he doesn't often talk about how he's feeling, and sometimes it's hard to have a serious conversation with him about this pregnancy. I had no idea he was as scared as I am. And knowing that he's as deep into this as I am really touched me.


Good Egg Hatched said...

Wow. I often wonder what's going on in my husband's head -- he, too, is the most kind and funny person who never talks about his feelings -- and I bet there are thoughts like this lurking in there. I can see why you'd be happy to know that he's worried too...sometimes I feel like the only one in this house who's anxious and it's a lonely feeling.

Andrea said...

So happy to find another 30 something! Congrats, as we are the same age and your story gives me such hope.

Hubbys tend to harbor their emotions and let them out bit by bit. I only wish I knew what was realy turning in my hubbys head.

Hang in there and we are all going to rally you to the finish line! Visit my blog if you like:

kate said...

How wonderful (while also sad and touching) it is to get that view into their heads...

H doesn't hold back much, but he's also kind of in denial about the precariousness of early pregnancy. It makes me so nervous, because I don't think it would even occur to him that when I called it could be anything but just a normal conversation-- at least J is somewhat realistic, as sad a factor as that is.

It bothers me that his mom sends us gifts for the babies, because it's too soon. And H is bothered by it, too, but mostly because we don't have any place dedicated to baby stuff yet (and there's nothing a German hates more than not having a proper place in which to put something away...). It's just such a different perspective.

Unknown said...

Well i would say such type of circumstances happens many a times and sometimes what we hear or what we see may not be true as well. That all depends upon the mood that we are having at that particular time or situation.

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Peeveme said...

This gives me a lump in my throat. Very toughing. Not sure if I properly congratulated you on you pregnancy but I am thrilled beyond belief.